In April I thought knowing where we would be for fellowship
would put my mind as ease, but it hasn’t.
Well, it did for about a day and then I was on to the next thing. But, like so much of this journey I don’t
know what that next thing is. I promise
you I think God constantly laughs at me.
With every new text, call, email, and conversation Matt has with groups
about practicing God just laughs. He
knows it’s driving me crazy. I like
plans, shocker, I know, so this uncertainty kills me all the while knowing we
are blessed beyond belief and I shouldn’t worry. Yet again, caught in the middle, I am extremely
happy and wouldn’t change a thing and I remind Matt of that all the time, I
just wish I could see into the future.
And then there is Matt.
Cool hand Luke who takes everything in stride and worries about
nothing. I guess I worry enough for the
both of us and you don’t really want a jumpy surgeon. I will look back at this post one day and
laugh and point out all of the things God worked through for us, but today I am
antsy and I’ll probably be antsy until the ink is dry on a contract. And even then, I’ll probably still be antsy
about something. I actually look for
things to worry about, it’s like my hobby.
So for the next 24 months, Matt will continue to keep his
head down and work hard, the kids will create mayhem wherever they go, and I’ll
just be over here worrying about anything and everything I can conjure up in my
mind. I hope everyone has a great weekend and gets a laugh from these pictures of Miller Mayhem at its finest!