He has moved back to Oxford and is trying to get back in the swing of things. But is really questioning his decision to schedule an 8:00 class.
But a little banana from the KA house should get him going!!
Maybe next semester he will take my advice and avoid 8:00 classes! You have the rest of your life to show up at 8:00!
And on the topic of arriving to work/school at 8:00, for the past 2 mornings Mary Frances has woken up at 4:00 and 4:30 (her top 2 teeth are coming in). But after I get her back to sleep I can't go back to sleep. So I get up with Matt around 5:00. And oddly enough I have not been too tired. This is a REALLY strange phenomenon for me! I LOVE my sleep! It's definitely an answered prayer for more energy! Unloading the dishwasher or folding a load of clothes before you leave the house by 7:00 a.m. really is a good feeling. Ok, I know I am weird, but it makes me happy! :)
So back to the reason you came to the blog, Jackson! He is getting so big and we have just started potty training. It's going ok, not great, but ok. He does AWESOME at school, but at home he doesn't want to stop to go to the bathroom or wear pull-ups. The stopping part I get, but not wanting to wear pull-ups?
He fusses and says, 'No pull-up.' Hopefully he'll get over it soon. But Matt and I need to get in potty training mode too. It's hard for us to remember to stop and remind him. We'll get there though, he's a smart little guy and we'll have this thing mastered in no time!
Oh, I almost forgot. So, Jackson has not gotten in trouble for hitting anyone at school lately, but one of his teachers did inform me earlier this week that she saw him kissing a girl on the playground!!! An older girl that he doesn't know the name of!! Yea. What am I going to do? He's 2 and was hugging and kissing on some girl on the playground. They might as well be at The Library in Oxford. [If you are not familiar with Oxford and you read this blog, The Library is a bar]
Advice and prayers welcome here. Although, I am hoping your advice is 'he's a little boy, he's fine! Sigh, so there you have it. He's back in Oxford hating his 8:00 because he stayed out too late kissing some girl at The Library. What a life! Happy Friday everyone! Enjoy your weekend!
Doesn't this look like a guilty face? Enough said!
Spring Catchup
2 weeks ago
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