Franny Bean and I have had some really good photo shoots lately. She is so full of personality and all over the place it makes it fun.
Like this picture after she face planted into our unmade bed. If you'll look back at the previous Sunday's post you will notice that the bed was made. What's the difference you ask? Matt was home last Sunday, but not this one.
Only the bare necessities get done when Daddy is not home. I could do more, but then I would drive my self to the end of exhaustion. I have learned to let some things go and Matt finds that funny.
I hope it remains comical to him. I do at least try to have the tornado after effects of school stuff, dinner, and baths cleaned up when he walks in the door. I consider it a win if the kids are clean, fed, and happy when he gets home. The rest is just gravy.
I'm just buying my time. I have big plans for when he is done in 6 years. Mama gets a full time maid!! Once that cooks, cleans, and does laundry. That way I can just hang out with the kiddos after work and do homework! Grand plans I tell you, grand plans. Almost as grand as my Grove plans after he is done. I will let you in on those closer to football season.
But I digress. You tuned in to see the most precious little girl on the planet. And with that said you probably don't even read my rants, just look at the pictures. I mean after all, that is what I do on other people's blogs!
This is my absolute favorite one! How adorable and symmetrical is she? Matt gets all medical on us all the time and talks about how symmetrical she is. And he is right, he says that is how beauty is measured. I guess, all I know is we can make some dang cute kids!
She is so spunky, but laid back all at the same time! I could just squeeze her all day!
She is not 8 months old and has her 2 bottom teeth. Her 2 top teeth are coming in and have caused her to wake-up around 4:00 a.m. this last week. Mama is worn out. Hopefully her teeth will come on in and I can get some sleep!
Happy Sunday y'all!
Spring Catchup
2 weeks ago
I love your posts and seeing pictures of your adorable kids!
Thanks!! They are a mess!
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