And it is my goal in life to populate the earth with more conservatives. I know some parents may not agree with this stance, but the good news is we live in America and not only can you have your own ideas, but also express them, freely. I know I run the risk of one of my children growing up and canceling out my vote once that curtain is drawn, but I am doing all I can to mitigate the risk. And if I ever find out that one of my kids does cancel my vote out, they will immediately be cut off. Monetarily of course. Not because I don't want them to be democrats, but because if they do feel that way I want them to be on their own for a while and see how it feels to work hard day in and day out to pay for those without personal responsibility. Our country has lost that virtue in many instances and I believe it is the main reason we are in the mess we are in today. I very much believe in helping people when they are down. I also agree that is SOME instances the government can help, but it's mainly our PERSONAL responsibility as human beings to help each other. And let's face it, our government has a hard time doing anything correctly no matter the party. And the bigger they get the worse we'll be. I'm telling you, if Ron Paul HAD a foreign policy he would be our nominee right now. I am not ashamed to say I voted for him in the primary. So I say all of that to show you this - me brain washing my child......
Spring Catchup
2 weeks ago
I LOVE this!!! Such a good parent! :)
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