So I know this was Saturday, but I just had to post these pictures for Southern Belle Sunday. It was Mary Frances' first Ole Miss football game! And we won! Unlike Jackson's first football game when we lost to Jacksonville State. So I am hoping this is a good omen.
We headed to Birmingham for the Labor Day weekend which turned out to be a really good idea. We got to see Nana, Papa, GranDan, and Sheshe and didn't have to pay to watch the game since we were out of market! Wahoo!! Forget the $160 in gas to get there and back :)
Mary Frances LOVES her cheerleader uniform and happily wore it all day! I plan to put her in an Ole Miss smocked dress when we head to Oxford in a couple of weeks, but I am little afraid to since this outfit seem to bring us luck!
Crawling around and playing with her big brother is how she spent most of the day.
But hit the sack after halftime. She looks so happy before going to bed! I can assure you she was the ONLY Ole Miss fan happy at half time!
This was a rare occasion when she hung out with Nana. She has become so clingy lately. She won't even go to Matt. She turns into me and grabs my shirt. It does make me feel good though, especially since Jackson is too busy for me these days. Or only wants Sheshe or Gaga. Payback is, well, you know. This is what I get for claiming Gran and Paw were my real parents up until I was about 15. And even then I think I only stopped voicing that opinion because Lisa and Rex bought me a car. Sorry, mom and dad.
And speaking of Gran, I learned this weekend I can't leave Mary Frances alone with Nana OR Gran. They both might cut her hair. Maybe it's a generational thing, but they both think she needs a hair cut. I'll keep it pulled back with a bow as long as possible because I don't want to cut this baby's hair!
So all in all this Southern Belle had a fabulous weekend! Hotty Toddy!
Spring Catchup
2 weeks ago
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