Jackson started sleeping in his big boy bed last week since he FINALLY learned he could crawl out of his crib. He slept in the bed all night at first, but now he is waking up wanting to get in Mama and Daddy's bed. I'm not sure what to do with that since I can't physically keep him in there.
Beating him won't work because it didn't work on me. My Dad would whip me and I would still end up in my parents bed. I have just been going with the push over approach. I put him in our bed and then have Matt move him back to his bed after he falls asleep. Not the best approach I know.
Yesterday I started bribing him with candy. We'll see how that works. He is going to be so fat. He gets candy for being good at school, for pooping in the potty, and being good at swimming lessons. And now for sleeping in his own bed. Oh well, what ever works.
He is such a wild man. I am not sure if it's just his personality or just boys in general. He is all boy all the time! As I am sure you can tell by these pictures or if you have spent any time around him.
He also wants his Daddy to read to him every night he is home. "No, Mama. I want Daddy to read to me." I try not to get my feelings hurt since I get to spend more time with him than Matt. He is a Daddy's boy for sure and Mary Frances is a Mama's girl. I wonder if that will change when they get older?
They were trying their best to possum. He is getting so big so fast and I am ok with that. Since he gets more and more fun every day. Now if we can just get him 100% potty trained we will be in good shape. I am just afraid Mary Frances will be potty trained before him. It's not that he can't do it, he doesn't want to do it. Having to stop and go to the bathroom is too much trouble.
Oh well, we'll get there one day. But for now we will take one milestone at a time.
Spring Catchup
2 weeks ago
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