The kids and I made a quick trip to Caledonia while Matt worked this last weekend. And when I say quick I don't think we were there a 24 hours. Taking nap times into consideration you have to load them up between 9:00 and 10:00 and take off if you want a good nights rest that night.
So that's what we did Saturday and Sunday. Loaded up between 9:00 and 10:00 and took off! It was a little cool outside for too much playing. Franny Bean and I stayed in and watched football while Jackson rotated between Big R and Gaga riding him on the 4-wheeler.
Gran and Paw came to see us and watch a little football too!
Jackson loves going to "The Farm" as he calls it. He wants to feed the birds, the dogs, and cats. I told my parents they were going to have to get at least one cow to make it a true farm.
Big R even arranged for some marshmellow roasting at the shop! Obviously it was a big hit!
I mean, who doesn't love roasted marshmellows? Even Franny ate them up.
After we cut Jackson off from marshmellows he wanted to "work" in the shop and proceeded to get into every tool box my father owns.
After he found the appropriate screw driver he put the dust cover back on "Buster's race car."
I am so glad Jackson loves tools and working on things. Nana and Papa gave him a work bench with tools for Christmas and he spends time in his room every night playing with it. It grabs the hammer and screw driver and goes to work on all of his toys! But then again, he sees all the men in his life doing the same thing. He thinks he is grown.
We had a great day, but come Sunday Jackson was ready to get home and see his Daddy! I don't blame him. I was too!
Spring Catchup
2 weeks ago
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