Since this is the last year I will get to make the call on J-Man's Halloween costume I figured I would dress him and his sister like Mickey and Minnie! And man are they cute! They wore their costumes to day care today!
Jackson pitched the biggest fit of his life when I made him put his costume on this morning! AHHH!
But when we got to school and he saw everyone else dressed up he was ALL about being Mickey Mouse. He wanted to put the ears and gloves on and was telling everyone in the hall "I'm Mickey Mouse." When not minutes before he was screaming "TAKE IT OFF!!"
Of course as a wise mother I knew he would love it once he got to school and saw everyone else dressed up. He is going to have a blast today. They are having a party and going from room to room trick or treating.
Franny Bean got to dress up too, but no sweets for her just yet. All the babies in her room looked so cute. They were cows and Winnie the Pooh. Just adorable! And check out Jackson's face here. It's typical, I get it a lot. He's only 2 and thinks he is smarter than me. Which may be true.
But I must say I think I had the 2 cutest kids at school today. I mean look at them. Just adorable!
Spring Catchup
2 weeks ago
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