Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday Free-For-All

This photo montage was from the first Saturday of football season.  This is pretty much what our day consisted of, hanging on the couch watching FOOTBALL!  Thank goodness football season is back!

All of the pictures below are all from the Thursday of the Ole Miss game.  It got pretty wild at our house!  It took 2 days to recover from staying up that late!!

Oh, and this was Thursday too at a conference at work.  Tell me this photographer doesn't look like Buster's twin??

Franny got a little wild in preparation for the game

She even wore Jackson's feed Moncrief t-shirt to bed.  It brought us luck!

 Don't worry, Matt woke back up after half-time.
I obviously didn't take these 3 pictures, Leah Hendrix did!  Aren't they amazing?

Rook wants to know why we let Jackson hold him.  HA HA!
 And Franny wants to know why we won't let her hold Rook.
 My guys watching a little football!

Ok, so I had these 2 pictures on my phone and I went ahead and put them on the blog so let's discuss.  My mother-in-law (Sheshe) has lost several pounds by drinking this mixture she found on Pintrest.  And supposedly the chick in the picture below looks like that because she drank this mixture.  Not really, but I can promise you 4 things; she has a personal trainer, this photo is photo shopped, she has not had 3 children, and if I ever look like that I WILL be posting a selfie of my stomach!!  HA HA HA!  I don't think you have to worry about the last one ever happening.
My Franny out for an evening run.  This is my secret to sleepy kids.  Luckily our neighborhood is small and we have very little traffic.  So, I strap Rook in the stroller and let Jackson and Franny run laps around the neighborhood.  I mean real laps, they could run for days.  Thanks to Jenni Murray's post about hyper little boys, it hit me like a ton of bricks that Jackson is bad when he has been cooped up all day.  And when Daddy is at work and Mama is too afraid/tired to take all 3 out somewhere we hit the streets and run until they fall out.  Then I load one in the stroller and carry the other and we head back home.

Pretty good plan huh?  I only wish I had thought of it sooner.  And don't worry, the pictures of Franny running in the road are in the cul-de-sac by our house where there is NO traffic. This workout outfit was also hand selected by Mary Frances.  She has full reign of her attire and will for the rest of her life, except if it is too slutty (that's right, I said slutty, because that is exactly what some girls looks like that I see out and about.  I wonder how their parents let a 12 year old out of the house in that outfit).  But I still maintain she will not have control over her hair until she is 22, out of college, and paying her own bills.  I am thankful Gaga let me be so independent, but letting me get a bowl cut and be called a boy was a little over the line.

Rook started out happy last Saturday night, but quickly became upset when Georgia lost.  He is not too optimistic about Mark Richt's future, especially if he loses to the Gamecocks this weekend, which is likely.  You gotta love the Ole Ball Coach.  That game will definitely be the game of the weekend even though Gameday is at the Notre Dame Michigan game.  Ain't nobody got time for that!  I guess they have to cover non SEC teams as well.

And speaking of happy, this dude LOVES him some baths!  I put him in the tub for the first time with Jackson Wednesday night, but didn't get a picture.  They both loved it!  Well, Jackson didn't love the part about Rook tee-teeing in the tub, he got on to him.

 Don't you hate it when you fall asleep while picking your nose.
Then there was the Labor Day Darius Rucker concert.  Too bad Darius came on at 9:15 and we left before he came on.  Oh well, maybe next time.

 The kids had a good time though.

Rook's first day of school!  It was a success.  We left the house by 7:18 even though I had to go back home after I dropped them off since I forgot my computer.  Oh well, at least I got all 3 kids.
Jackson and Mary Frances have eaten PB&J 3 nights this week for dinner.  It's what they want and I am not complaining

This poor guy got attacked by misquotes while he slept.  I guess there was one in his room and it ate him alive.  He has been a trooper about it though, he has not complained ones.

And finally, night time around our house.  These little guys have been so good for me all week.  Between dinner, feedings, baths, and putting each one to bed I really could not have asked for a better week.  Thank you to everyone that has been praying for me.  I have definitely felt them this week.  Everyone has been fed, clean, happy, and asleep by 9:00 every night and that's all that matters.  And you know I am honest and keep it real over here at Miller Mayhem so I will tell you that I was really dreading this week and new routine, but I have really loved it.  When the kids are good it makes all the difference.  I only wish I could spend more time with each of them individually at night, but I guess that is the trade off when you have 3.  These 3 make my heart melt and I am so thankful for them, especially considering all of the posts I see on Facebook about parents with sick children or have lost children.  I am grateful that I am able to take care of them even if I am out of breathe by the time I stop to go to bed at night.  God knew what he was doing and I am glad because I never know what I am doing.  I hope everyone has a great weekend and Go Rebels!  Hotty Toddy!

1 comment:

Lindsey and Jason Nicholson said...

You make 3 look so easy-I feel like a crazy person some days with only 1! Love seeing all the pics of your precious kiddos!!