Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday Free-For-All

Another week, another gaggle of pictures to share.  But included in this week's installment is a capture of Ole Miss' win over LSU (or when we trapped the tigers as Jackson calls it) and time with Matt and the kids!  Man what a week!  But we will start with Mary Frances.  She has discovered Jackson's golf cart.
So.....  She will be getting a Mercedes convertible for her 2nd birthday.  Our garage is going to look like the parking lot of a tiny country club.

Speaking of Mary Frances, she has started rocking her Ugg boots Sheshe got her.  And they are too cute for words.  I mean, have you ever seen a sweater dress and Ugg boots look any cuter?  I sure haven't.

Then there is the youngest player in the house.  Rook's newest girlfriend started school last week.  She is also Bailey's (Mary Frances' BFF) little sister, Brooke.  Brooke and Rook.  What a pair.  Although, she is an LSU fan.  We're going to see what we can do about that.  I think he's up to 4 girl friends by now and you can tell by that coy smile he is owning it.
Matt and I did a little shopping last week for Mary Frances some new tennis shoes and came across a lot of interesting apparel.  Above, is a 2T outfit for the low low price of $130!!!!  My outfits don't even cost that!!  I about fell out.  I will fall out when I see a 2 year old wearing this.  I am not saying it is wrong, but I am just saying this resident's wife won't be buying it unless it's 75% off.
On to the shoes.  I am seriously going back and buying the shoes above for Rook.  He will be a baller for sure.  I am not sure why we never bought Jackson any.
And then we found these jewels!  So classy and understated don't you think?
 Luckily we found Franny some non-Jordan non-LSU tennis shoes!  Bless her heart, she had outgrown her other ones pretty bad.  These are 2 sizes larger than her old ones.
During our outing, Matt and I also discovered 2 for 1 Dos Equis at our local Mexican eatery.  I think we found a new dinner option for Wednesdays.  When he is home of course.
I got this jewel 13 years ago from Big R when I graduated high school.  It means a lot because he put a lot of thought into it.  It's titanium and water proof and those were important features in a watch as I headed off to Ole Miss to be a trainer for the football team.  And after 13 years of wear and tear I had it sent off to be repaired and it's as good as new!! I am pretty excited to have it back.  Thanks Big R.

These are what I am going to begin to refer to as "Good Luck Charms."  Mrs. Nancy or Honey as she is referred to by the grands, gave the kids this fabulous Col Reb attire.  Rook has the burp cloth to match.  Honey's sister makes these so if you want her contact info let me know and I can't hook you up!  They wore these last weekend before our big win against LSU!  They will now be wearing them EVERY weekend we play.
It has taken Jackson longer than his friends, but he has officially hit the super hero phase.  He put his Super Man cape on every night and runs through the house saving the world.  Thanks for the cape Chas Michael!
 If it were not for the 1983 back ground of this picture you may think this was Jackson, but it's Matt as a baby.  But, as you can tell, Jackson is Matt's clone.
Brace yourself, we had these pictures taken by Leah Hendrix and they are AMAZING!  Check her out here!  I am so thankful that we know so many talented people.  This is only a small sample of the pictures she took and I held out our Christmas card pictures.  I can't ruin the surprise. And I also need to add that there are more picture of Franny since we did her 2 year old pictures at the same time.

Are they not just the best ever?  That wraps up our week; spending time together shopping, drinking, taking family pictures, and a win against LSU.  I am not exaggerating when I tell you it was the best week ever!!! Can we go back and do it all over again?

And I am also not exaggerating when I tell you that there were moments where I felt like life was too good and something might go wrong.  I get that feeling a lot though because I am so blessed I feel like it can't be like this forever.  And no matter what life throws at us I know God has a plan so I am going to enjoy all my blessings every day and reflect on them when things don't seem great.  Like when we left our offense in Austin and didn't have them to play Auburn.  I hope you know I am joking when I say that, well, kind of.  All of our problem are first world problems and I keep that in mind every day. Hotty Toddy!

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