Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This and That

Matt took a video on his phone last night for Video Tuesday, but it didn't download? I'll check on that tonight, but I knew I could not go 2 solid days without pictures of Jackson or we'd have mutiny on our hands. So being resourceful like all moms I remembered these pictures I had on my phone from last Sunday. Please forgive the blurriness, but there were taken on a phone and not my mammoth camera. This is Jackson sitting at the bar while Matt and I were juning around. He looks so big mainly because he is, but I thought he was being too cute not to capture the moment.
I got a little artsy on this picture. What can I say.
He was drinking a little juice and eating a few puff and telling me all about his day in the church nursery. He hit on a few ladies and played on the floor a bit. It is so hard being Jackson Miller!

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