Friday, April 8, 2011

Fratty Friday

This week has been a rough one around our house.  Our little J-Man has been under the weather.  We took him back to the doctor on Wednesday night because not only was he not getting better, he was getting worse.  We got a shot, stronger antibiotics, eye drops, and medicine for breathing treatments.  My poor little guy!  But he is on the mend and even gave me a little smile this morning when he woke up.  It has also been so hard to leave him while he is sick.  It kills me to go to work, but I am so busy right now and I am just happy we have family that can help us and I know he is well taken care of.
He didn't wake up until I was leaving for work so I left his Sheshe with the IMPORTANT job of taking his Fratty Friday pictures. 
It's a beautiful spring day and Jackson is going for a run since he is feeling better.  He knows it's almost time for the beach and he needs to get into shape.  So he's wearing his workout clothes and shoes ready for a jog around campus.  And if he picks up a few chicks along the way, well, it's just another day in the life of The Most Handsome Man in the World.  He can't help it!
Once he is back from running he is going to head to the golf course, as you can see by the photos he is getting his clubs ready to go to the course.  Who needs class when you can play golf?  Matt is hoping that these pictures of Jackson playing with his golf clubs will be shown on national TV while Jackson is a top the leader board at the Masters.  And that the announcers can go on and on about how he showed an interest in golf even at an early age.  I just want him to be a republican.  The rest will fall into place.

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

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