After a week without our Wild Man he is back in full force. We missed him terribly and as it turns out I think he actually missed us too. When my parents turned in our neighborhood with him he started to whine and say "No, Gaga's house."
My dad was quick to tell me this and laughed as he called it payback for all the times I told them they were not my parents that Gran and Paw were. I guess I could see how he could enjoy my misery a bit. But they were so mean to me. They made me mind and I couldn't do whatever I wanted. It was just horrible. Can you hear the sarcastic undertones?
But as soon as I walked outside to see my little man he looked so happy and started saying "Mama! Mama!" That made me feel SO much better.
Baby sister missed her big brother too. They play so well together and she just laughs and laughs at him. I think she enjoyed being an only child, but enjoys playing with him more.
Sorry these pictures are so fuzzy. I took my camera outside to take them and it fogged up. Since our house thermostat is set at 68 and it's a balmy MS 90 with 100% humidity my camera fogged up.
But you can still tell Jackson and Mary Frances missed each other.
On Sunday we got to celebrate Big R's birthday!
You can tell in this picture where I get my blue eyes that Jackson and Mary France have too. If only I had my parents tan too..... Not sure that jean went?
I love this picture! Mary Frances looks so happy! All and all we had a great weekend and I am so glad my little family is back together.
Spring Catchup
1 week ago