Jackson was 6 weeks old on Wednesday and on Thursday it was like he woke up!! He is a different more alert baby all of the sudden. He now smiles as a reaction to what you are doing and not just a face movement. He is also more playful when he is awake, but look how cute he is when he sleeps!!!! He had his nails cut by his dad for the first time on his 6 week birthday, but he slept right through it!
I am not sure what it is about Thursdays, but he eats SO much before bed on Thursdays. Last Thursday we took him to CMDA bible study and he ate 9oz of milk when we got home and he did the SAME thing last night when we got home!! It's nuts!! He does not even spit up. Where is he putting all this food?? I think it's in his cheeks as you can tell from the picture below. Let's just hope he's not getting ready for "Thirsty Thursdays" on the square when he's older!!

Bath time!! He LOVES baths now. He use to HATE them, but we figured out how to keep him warm so he is ALL about it now. I bathe him every other day now due to his little rash and he smells SO good when we are finished.
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