5 month old Frat Star!! I am combining Fratty Friday with Jackson's 5 month old post. He was 5 months old on Tuesday, but I have not had time to take his picture or do a post. This week has been crazy and this weekend and next week will not be any less crazy.
Jackson is wearing his 'going to class' frat outfit today! We had a button up picked out, but I didn't get it over his head good and he spit up on it! So we opted for the 'I dig the Rebels' t-shirt from Uncle Buster. He is such a mess. That is all I can say!

What all is Jackson up to at 5 months? The better question is what is he NOT up to?
He laughs all the time.
He gets teased and puts his head in mine or Matt's chest.
Still only cries when he is hungry or sleepy.
He is a very happy baby and people comment on it all the time.
He sleeps from 7:30 or 8:00 until 5:30 the next morning.
He only wakes up in the middle of the night if he does not feel well.
He moves ALL over the bed at night. We do have to go move him some times in the middle of the night because he will wedge himself at the very top of the bed and his sensor cannot feel him breathe so it goes off. When we move him he does not even budge.
We lay him down the same way every night, on his back with his head at the top right of the bed. But when we go back in the morning he might be laying the opposite way, he may be on his stomach, he may be on his side. You just never know.
He rolls over, but we have not seen him in action yet. He does it while we are not watching.
He started playing in a bouncer this week and LOVES it.
He likes things that light up.
He likes to pet the dogs and they don't mind it.
He eats baby food 3 times a day now. We have only tried peas and bananas. Peas were a disaster and bananas were a hit. I am still trying to make all his food.
When I am holding him at night as we sit on the couch he stares at Matt when he talks like he knows what he is saying.

He is just Jacksie Man, the most loved kid on the planet!