Monday, September 6, 2010

Lazy Labor Day Weekend

Matt was suppose to work Saturday and Sunday, but when he got home on Saturday he told us his attending let him have Sunday off. Jackson and I were SO excited! We did not make any plans other than to hang out together and enjoy some rare down time! So on Sunday after church Jackson and I took a nap in bed while Matt studied. Today has not been too much more productive. Eating at lunch at Newk's and then at Jenna and Zach's for dinner was all we did today! Jenna is in Matt's med school class and her and her husband live in our neighborhood so we walked to their house and Jackson loved getting out. The weather was awesome!

We gave the Bumpo a try today and Jackson sat up in it pretty well. We can start putting him in it to work on his head control. He has had great head control for his age since he was born, but I think that is because he has a small head like his parents.

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