Tuesday, March 15, 2011

9 Months Old

Shhh, listen to that sound.  What is that sound you ask?  It is me crying because Jackson is growing up too fast and in 3 short months he will be a year old.  Don't get me wrong, I love this stage, but it is just so hard to believe it has been 9 months already.  He is so much fun and makes us laugh on a regular basis, he also makes us want to pull our hair out some times too. 
He is crawling every where and climbing on everything.  He does a modified crawl on slick surfaces to keep his balance and it looks so funny.  He crawls on one leg and balances with his foot on the other (kind of like what he is doing in the picture above).  But if you put him on thin carpet he can book it. 
He loves playing in the floor, but not with his toys.  I don't think I have seen him play with his toys for more than ten minutes then he if off to get into something he is not suppose to like cords, the dogs' water bowl, or my purse.
He still watches his sign language DVD in the mornings, but he watches from his Jeep walker.  It's kind of like a drive in movie for him. 
He has backed off 7 ounces to about 5 ounces of milk 5 times a day, eats 3 meals a day, and 2 snacks.  He is also drinking 5 ounces of juice a day. 
He takes 3 naps a day.  2 hour long naps at 8:00 and 4:00 and a 2 hour nap at 11:00. 
His night time sleep is iffy.  He still goes down at 7:30, but has started waking up about the time Matt and I go to bed and will not go back to sleep unless he is in our bed.  That habit has to change!!  We stayed firm last night and he actually slept until 4:30 in his bed and then we put him in bed with us since I was getting up in 30 minutes any way. 
We lowered his bed again, and this time we lowered it as far down as it can go.  He is able to stand up in it and that scares me to death.
He has become a bit fussy lately, his nick name has gone from Booger Man to Fuss Pot.  I am not sure if it is the day care switch (missing Mrs. Bradley) or if it is just a stage he is going through, but he is rotten.  I asked day care if he is good and sleeps well and he does great.  So......  I think he knows he can get away with more with us.  We'll have to work on that, but it is hard when he is so darn cute!
He still has not said mama, but we work on that daily.
He is back to hating his diaper changed like when he was a new born, but this time it is not because he is cold, it's because he is too busy.  He does not have time to stop for a diaper change.  He has to be moving.  Of course the only thing he stops for is food.

9 months have flown by and I am sure the next 9 will go by just at fast.  He is such a blessing and I thank God for him every day!

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