Friday, May 6, 2011

Fratty Friday

It is a beautiful Fratty Friday and Jackson is ready for some Market Street!  The frat star in him is ready for some live bands and girl watching.  Speaking of girl watching, I really am worried about his interest in the opposite sex.  Wednesday while we sat waiting to start swimming lessons he was giving everyone woman in the room his cheesing grin.  I couldn't even get his attention.  He was too focused on the two women and little girl behind us.  Sigh.  I am afraid he gets that from his Uncle Buster.
He was super happy this morning and wanted to stay and play in his chair.  Not a problem!  I picked it up and put it outside the bathroom where I could see him and he played in it and on it until we left.  Thanks goodness since yesterday was a stark contrast!  He wanted to do everything he was not suppose to like open the bathroom cabinets and pull everything out and tear up the toilet paper and put it in his mouth.  You pick your battles and that one was not one I had time to fight.  I would occasional reach down and pull the toilet paper out of his mouth between applying make-up and drying my hair.
He definitely has a mind of his own and is very stubborn.  We had pictures made yesterday and he found a stick laying on the ground.  Every time we tried to take it away he would scream!  And we couldn't hide it and distract him with something else, he knew what he wanted and was going to do whatever it took to get it.  If we put it behind our back, he would try and crawl behind us to get it.  I guess this can be a good trait, but it can also being an exhausting one for mama.

Really mom?  More pictures?  Haven't I done enough smiling?

We really are going to Market Street this weekend, it's not just a made up Fratty Friday tale.  I hope we can see everyone!  Happy Friday!

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