Friday, November 9, 2012

Fratty Friday

This college kid will sleep anywhere.  It must have been a long night when I found him curled up on our folded bath mats in his Carharts and polo!
 Comfy looking huh?  This dude is a mess!

 And look at those blue eyes!  This one is going to be a heart breaker!!  Last week when I dropped him off at school we were walking down the hall and met his class going to eat breakfast.  5 little girls screaming "Jackson" bombarded us!  The all ran up to him and Carley, the one he really likes, gave him a hug.  Part of me the thought 'aww, that's sweet,' but the other part of the thought 'I thought I was your girl?"  I guess I better get use to it, it will only get worse.  After all this happened his teacher told me "Oh that Jackson is popular."  Popular?  He's 2!!  Aren't all kids popular at 2?  Any way, my little heart breaker and his blue eyes are already getting him in trouble!  Happy Friday everyone!

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