Thursday, May 17, 2012

5 Months Old

Mary Frances is 5 months old today and we have her baby dedication tonight!  I cannot believe she is already 5 months old!  It seems like just yesterday I had her.  But time flies when you are having fun or so busy you can't catch your breath.
 At 5 months old she loves her baths, smiles a lot, has even started laughing, is mesmerized by her brother, eats cereal, English peas, and bananas, sleep from 8:30 to 5:30, eats about 6 ounces every 4 hours, wear 3-6 month clothes and a size 2 diaper, loves her paci, holds her head up like a champ, still sleeps in a cradle next to our bed (don't judge), loves playing with her feet and rings on her car seat, and is the sweetest most laid back baby ever!
 Everyone that sees her says she looks just like Jackson.  I see it sometimes, but I think she looks more like her own little person.  J-Man just looked like his Dad's clone.
 She just goes with the flow and only gets upset when she is hungry or at baseball games.  Like her Big R, she hates baseball.  Other than that she is just along for the ride.
 We love her so much and are so blessed to have her in our lives.  She is the best little surprise I have ever had!  And from worrying how I would make it with 2 under two to not being able to imagine life without her.  Now, if I can just keep her little and sweet and skip the teenage years I will be in good shape!

Jackson's 23 month post soon!  Poor guy has not had a post all week.  He's so neglected.

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