Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Keeping It Real Wednesday

Granted Matt and I got married almost 7 years ago, but I still wanted to post some of our wedding pictures.  We have had CDs with our wedding pictures on them since we got married, but I never put them on Facebook or our blog since Facebook and blogging were not popular when we got married.  So 7 years later here some of them are......
 As I backed these pictures up to our cloud the other day I had to laugh at a few things; how young Matt looked and how I remembered things in my head was not the reality as I looked at the pictures.  Matt and I were both young; 21 and 23 respectively, but I didn't realize he looked 12 until I looked back at pictures.  I guess love was blind especially when I was forcing him to marry me :)!  And the perception vs reality, in my mind everything I had at my wedding would still be stylish today.  Not so much, but I guess styles come and go in 7 years.

 Anna and Meghan are part of the reason I finally backed up my wedding pictures.  With Meghan getting married earlier this month and Anna getting married in July I wanted to go back and reminisce.  Maybe this will promt Lisha (who got married 6 years ago) to finally order her wedding pictures.

 This picture caused quite a stir in the Dickerson house when it came as a Christmas card (Mrs. Shelia sent out) "From The Millers" the year we were married.  My Dad was appalled at the suggestion I was a Miller.  "She is a Dickerson" he declared.  That was until my mother made him realize otherwise by asking him if he would classify her as a Dickerson or Speck.  That hit home and made him realize his little girl was no longer a Dickerson.  Although, Matt would disagree especially when I am acting like a Dickerson through and through!

So 7 years and 2 kids later here we are today!  Even if some of the styles are out of date now and Matt looked 12, it was one of the best days of our lives and I would not do anything differently, except maybe pick another band since ours showed up late :)!

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