Sunday, June 6, 2010

False Alarm

We had such a great weekend with our families here and getting everything finished in Peanut's room. So of course we would end the weekend with a trip to the hospital. At about 2:00 on my way over to Anna's to layout (with sun block on) I started having contractions. I was not real sure about them so I called the doctor on call and he wanted me to come in. After a 2 and a half hour visit they sent me home with contractions 9 minutes apart, but they want them to be 5 minutes apart for an hour. I have been tracking them all night and they are still very sporadic, but the longest I will go without one is 10 minutes. This is a little crazy. Oh and I am 1 cm dilated and Peanut is head down and effaced (spelling?)

My poor parents left this morning at 8:30 so they were on pins and needles waiting on an update from me when I was waiting in the hospital. Matt's parents are still here until Tuesday and Anna leaves for her summer long mission trip on Tuesday. I was hoping Peanut would come before she left, but he is not sure if he is ready yet.

In other news, my glider came in on Friday! Peanut's room is officially ready. I will get a final picture up soon. I will also keep everyone posted on my progress.

As if that was not enough news Matt is starting in the hospital tomorrow. He is excited to NOT being studying. So we have a lot going on. Being praying for us please.

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