Sunday, January 6, 2013

Southern Belle Sunday

Be prepared to say "eww."

Jackson pitched a fit today because I wouldn't let him change his PJ's after Knox licked them and this is Mary Frances' response when Knox licks her.
May I add the disclaimer that we stopped this several times, but I had to let it happen long enough to get a video.  She likes when anyone pats her mouth so she can make that sound and Knox is no exception.  Jackson and Mary Frances are two different children to say the least.


Shannon said...

This video answers so many questions about why those children are sick so often!

The Miller's said...

Mary Frances is never sick! Jackson is and I honestly thing it is b/c we kept him too clean! Just wait until you have your second!

Elizabeth Monaghan said...

Bennett constantly goes up to Harley, puts his hands on the sides of her face, opens his mouth and pulls her in. He loves the puppy kisses. We typically just laugh, but I do realize that this grosses some people (AKA the grandparents)out. Glad to know we aren't the only ones with this issue.