Friday, November 18, 2011

Fratty Friday

I have not done a month birthday post in a while so I will include Jackson's 17 month old update in today's Fratty post (He was 17 months old on Wednesday).  He continues to amaze us every day and sometimes we are not amazed at things we should be, but we don't know any different.  For example, Jackson came home from daycare one day and could just blow his nose.  Every time I would stick the tissue up to his nose he would just blow.  I didn't think anything of it.  So when Matt asked him to blow his nose at the doctor's office, his pediatrician was blown away that he could do it.  He said there are 4 and 5 year olds that can't.  I don't know about all that, but he is pretty smart.  The other morning is another perfect example.  His Baby Einstein video was over so I turned Fox News back on.  Jackson found the remote, brought it to me, and said "football game."  He says 'football' and 'football game' constantly.  When I turned sports center on and basketball was on, he looked a little confused.  I guess we need to start talking to him about sporting seasons.  He will need to learn basketball game and baseball game.  But really around our house there is only football, racing, and baseball.  But for now football is all he knows and cares about.  Like this morning "football game" was the second thing out of his mouth, the first was "hey."  As soon as I turned on NFL network for the Jets/Broncos recap and gave him his milk he was the happiest little boy in the world!!

And as I have said before he knows how to ham it up!!  He loves crowds and attention.  Lord help us!  He can now repeat anything and everything we say.  Some words and phrases he hangs on to and others he just repeats them once when he hears us say them.  His new favorite he picked up from Sheshe, "Oh gosh."  It is so funny because he uses it when appropriate.  Like when his sippy cup leaked milk in our bed.  He ran his hand over the wet spot and said "Oh Gosh."  He also can tell us yes and no by shaking his head.  He uses the appropriate head motion for what he wants to do. 

He signs and says please, but can only sign thank you, he can't say that yet.  Second to "football game" his favorite phrase is "hot dog."  He doesn't even know what a hot dog is, but they say it in the Mickey Mouse Club House song so every time he sees Mickey or I get the iPad (I have the song downloaded on it)out he says "hot dog."

It is so much fun watching him grow up and discover new things.  He learns something new every day and I don't want him to grow up, but I can't wait to see his little personality continue to evolve.  We love him so much and could not be any more blessed than we are!  I thank God for him and our little family every day!  Happy Friday everyone, oh and GO REBELS!!  Beat those Tigers (HA HA HA HA!!)!!

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