Friday, November 4, 2011

Fratty Friday

A BIG Happy Birthday to Nana Pants!!  We love you very much and Jackson LOVES to say Nana and Papa, not as much as he loves to say football, but a close second!  Happy Birthday!!

Jackson, like the rest of the world is getting geared up for the National Championship game, otherwise known as LSU @ Alabama.  He has ribs in the fridge to cook and all of his peeps are coming over.
Well, kind of.  He does have ribs in the fridge to cook and his peeps are ALL of his grandparents, Uncle Buster and Aunt Anna!  That's right both sets of grandparents AND his aunt and uncle will be here at once.  I just feel bad for the ladies at day care on Monday.  Sorry!
He's perched in his chair, remote in hand and he is ready to go!  We are all really torn on whether we will say "tiger bait" or "roll tide."  I am on the fence, but think Alabama will win.  My rationalization is discipline.  Alabama is much more disciplined than LSU.  And speaking of discipline, I have to add my child's latest stunt.
When I go towards him with the "wooden spoon" he knows he is in trouble, so he has started looking up at me, puckering his lips, and going mmmmm, trying to kiss me.  Nice try.  Then last night Matt popped him and it didn't even phase him, he went right on about his business.  I apologize to my husband on a daily basis because he may look like Matt, but he acts like me.  Lord help us all!
So many prayers are asked for and needed as Matt and I try to wrangle raise this maniac precious little boy who is just a mess!  He really is not bad and I don't hope anyone gets that impression.  He is just a rambunctious little boy who likes to test the limits.  He is exactly what I prayed for and I thank God for him every day!  I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys watching the National Championship game 2 months early.

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