Thursday, March 29, 2012

Insurance - When did I start to care?

I will tell you when I started to care, it was June 2004.  I was 22 years old, a college graduate, and on my first job interview when the benefits package came up.  How did I go from Social Chair at the Phi Mu house talking about parties to a job interview talking about health insurance and 401Ks?  It happens just like that, you go from a child to an adult and it kind of stinks.  It was one year later after I was married my mom handed me my car insurance and said you can pay this now.  I didn't even know she was still paying it!!  It was my car and I paid for the gas and oil changes, but car insurance never crossed my mind.  Who knew?

I said that to say I found myself excited about the recent insurance news I received, but then quickly felt silly for being excited.  My job offers health insurance for you and 2 dependants.  After the third dependant you have to start paying a premium.  Not a bad deal, but still another monthly bill we don't have today.  And when Matt starts residency family benefits are not great; however, individual benefits are.  Matt can enroll in whatever program his residency offers leaving the 'kids' and me on my insurance.  The fact that I got excited enough about this to blog about it makes me feel even sillier, but this is good stuff people!  God provides!
Silly or not, it just feels good to know these little faces will be taken care of!

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