Thursday, March 22, 2012

Photo Shoot

Last night after the kitchen was clean and J-Man was asleep I finally got around to bathing Baby Sister.  She loves her baths, but then again there is not much this baby does not love.  After her bath and getting ready for bed we had a little photo shoot in her big girl room.  I call it her big girl room because she is still sleeping in our room in her cradle.  Since she is sleeping through the night I need to move her to her room, but can't bring my self to do it yet.  After all, she just started day care this week, one change at a time people.  I had a hard time moving Jackson too.

 She is a paci baby for sure.  I even gave her a bath with it in her mouth.  Although she didn't fuss when I took it out to wash her face.

 And she was really good when I took it out for a second for the photo shoot.
 Can we please discuss these cheeks that as Aunt Co-Co put it "hang off her face."  Jackson's did the same thing!  They are so cute and I could just eat her up!  Everyone says the same thing, "she is so cuddly."  Even the people at church and day care that keep her.  I wonder what it is about her?  Maybe it is because she is so laid back like her mama (just kidding). 
After we put J-Man down at night and all the chores are done I just sit on the couch next to Matt and hold her while she sleeps. It is our only one on one time at night. Then around 9:30 it is time to make our way to bed and feed her for the last time of the day. I will lay her down in her cradle with a full belly and she just drifts on off to sleep. So peaceful and no fussing!  She is a perfect baby and I could not love her any more!

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