Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Mary Frances

She surprised us 1 year and about 8 months ago when we found out she was coming and surprised us again a year ago when she showed up 4 weeks early and 1 week before Christmas!  And we couldn't be happier with our little surprise!

Happy Birthday Baby Sister!  She woke up at her usual 5:30 and was ready to start the day.  A little cereal, bagel, milk, and Baby Einstein's My First Signs, but on this particular morning she also got a balloon to accompany her usual routine.
I guess I have made the balloon on birthday mornings a tradition.  I wonder what the kids will think about it when they are 18?  Well, it was a hit this year.
When it was time to get dressed we opted for a more church and less daycare dress because you only turn 1 once.  This is one of my favorite dresses she has.  I bought it last January on sale and couldn't wait to get her on it.  I am also hoping she can also wear it for Valentines Day.

Our photo shoot was not as good as I had hoped since I had to use my phone.  We left the camera on Sunday night and it had gone dead.  Oh well, you can still tell how adorable she is.

This is her typical 'smiling with a paci in my mouth' face.  She LOVES her pacifier and HAS to have it to sleep.  And speaking of sleep she has just moved up to the 1 year old class at school and sleeps on a nap mat.  Yes, you read that correctly, she no longer sleeps in a crib at school, but on a nap mat.  She is also the only kids in her class that doesn't walk, but she is also the youngest and will get there.  She walks behind anything she can push, but doesn't really want to give it a solo try just yet.

I successfully stole the paci and managed to get some smiles out of her before having to give it back!  She also has 8 teeth, 4 on top, 4 on bottom.  She loves laughing at her brother and still gets impatient when you are not getting her food fast enough.  Other than that she is our laid back little girl.

By the time we got home it was time for dinner and cupcakes!  I took some cupcakes to school for her friends, but we had to have some at home too!
What's in the package?  A crown and pointer of course.  I am honestly surprised that she made it an entire year of her life without them.

They were a hit!  Although, she didn't want to keep the crown on her head.

Give me that cupcake lady!
Happy Birthday to you!

Mmmmm, it's so good!!

After devouring the cupcake and being cleaned up it was 7:30 sharp and time for bed!  This girl is not going to miss her bedtime.  That might be the ONLY trait she gets from me other than blue eyes.  So after a full day of being pampered a little more than normal our baby girl was one year old!  She has been such a blessing and we cannot imagine life without her.  I just thank God for trusting us with her.

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