Monday, December 19, 2011

Day Two Family of Four

After spending the night with both grandparents at home our rotten little man came back to see his baby sister again.  He is so sweet with her and just hugs and kisses her.  He really surprised us with how affectionate he was with her.  It is so amazing to see how even an 18 month old can instantly fall in love with a baby just like we can.
It is also amazing that we are now a family of 4.
And after ordering all of Mary Frances' Christmas gifts and writing Santa a letter for her the J-Man and I spent some quality time watching Hot Dog (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse).
Our little pea in a pod complete with  her Rebel hat!  I was so nervous about having a little girl, but she instantly stole my heart and I cannot imagine life without her.  I feel like our family is even more complete than before and love watching my two kids together!  God has so richly blessed us and words cannot express how fortunate we feel.

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