Monday, December 19, 2011

Introducing Mary Frances Miller

Mary Frances Miller 5lbs 9oz 19in long born at 2:17 p.m. on 12/17/11
She decided that she didn't want to miss Santa Claus this year!  She arrived 4 weeks early much to our surprise.  Luckily she arrived healthy and everyone is doing great!  After a trip to the hospital Friday night because of contractions, Mary Frances decided a little medicine to stop them was not slowing her down.  After talking the nurse into letting me come home the contractions started back around 3:00 a.m. and when the pain was too much to handle we headed back to the hospital at noon.  We got there at 12:15 and she was born at 2:17.  Nothing like being told you are 7cm dilated and this baby is coming and coming soon.  After asking Matt if everything was going to be ok, my next concern was Mary Frances' Christmas gifts, she didn't have any.  Matt rolled his eyes and assured me it would be fine! 
Unlike Jackson's delivery it was a little chaotic, but everything went great and there was even time for an epidural.  Praise God!!  As soon as I saw that healthy baby girl all I could think is she looks just like J-Man.  Dark complected and a head full of hair.  Since she was in such a rush to get here no one was at the hospital other than Matt and me to greet her.  Munchkin was at home with Jackson from our scare the night before and everyone else was on their way here, but with only a 2 hour heads up there was not a lot of time left. And speaking of  J-man...the whole ordeal wore him out.  Two nights of falling asleep in the hospital after hamming it up for every nurse, tech, orderly, and security guard finally caught up with him. We even got asked if we would rent him out for parties.  Dada said for the right price everything is for sale....joking.
The grandmother's changed her for the first time just like they did 18 months ago!
Proud Big R, or RRRR as Jackson calls him, with Munchkin looking on.
Gran Dan and SheShe made it after traveling up from Baton Rouge.
Aunt Anna finally made it as well.  She was at a good friends wedding in Canton and was trying to miss the arrival but she made it.  It was easier to travel from Canton than from India where she was 18 months ago. 

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